Lip Plumper DIY! Boost Your Lips Now With a Super Easy and Costless DIY!

If you need full lips right now then your kitchen has already got all you need to make your own lip plumper in a minute!

For those of you that don’t know what it is, how it works or have never used a lip plumper, then maybe you should try this super easy DIY and see for yourself why we love it!

A Lip plumper is the invisible magic ingredient that will temporarily transform your lips to super-hot with no pain or surgery!

How you do it:

So, what we need is a mild skin irritation to create the effect. Go to your kitchen and grab the olive oil, the salt and some cinnamon powder! You will need 2 tablespoons of each.

Mix them very well, and then put it in a small container. You can use it right away, or better, wait for the salt and cinnamon completely dissolve in the oil for an hour or two and then apply.

How you apply:

Take a cotton swab and apply a thin layer on your lips for 5-10 minutes. Rinse well and apply makeup.


-You can replace olive oil with literally all kitchen oils, petroleum jelly or even your lip gloss.

- You may also not rinse it if it's not unpleasant to you and add some color by mixing it with some of your favorite lipstick!

-Some, also add powdered paprika, cayenne pepper or chilly. It has to do with your skin’s tolerance. Experiment at your own risk if you wish for a stronger lip plumper!  :P

Now, who’s the fairest?  ;)

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