You Suck At Selfies? Learn How To Take The Best Selfie Ever!

 Learn the top selfie secrets and blow their minds!

Ok, so you hate your selfies. But have you ever thought that maybe it’s not your face that’s wrong with your pictures but the concept and the technical details you have absolutely no clue about?

You don’t just take a selfie and upload it online just because you felt like it. Or better, you should make it appear that way, only the truth is that you will know all the technical secrets behind selfies.

Become a bit of a marketer, director, photographer, designer and developer and create great selfies by reading our experts tips!


Know your reasons and play with the concept. Just ask yourself why are you doing this, this time? Why is it different from the last one?  Who do you want to impress? The answers will make a great concept upon which your selfie will be based. Flirting, lost weight, new makeup, a stunning hairdo?

Location, location, location! 

Please, do not take any more selfies in the bathroom. Don’t ask why. Just don’t. The place you choose to take the selfie is a huge part of the concept. Read the next tip and you will know.

Tell a story

Look around you. What do you want your portrait to show except your face? A part of your wall, the corner of your bed, your dog’s tail or Big Ben? Once upon a time…

Mirror mirror

Given that a selfie requires that you feel good and in the mood to show yourself, always, ALWAYS, check yourself in the mirror first before pressing that button. You might be surprised of what you actually look.

Duck face? No, thanks! 

Because it’s not making you look younger, sexier or cool. It completely destroys your face, boys know what you are doing and duck hunting season is over! Try a very big smile instead!


Always check that you have a very good lighting! Bad lighting can destroy your face, hair and makeup while good lighting can make you shine! Even if you want a dark selfie you can edit it later.

Don’t worry

Be happy about posing. If you are too shy, too worried, not so sure about it, not confident or want to get over with it, it will all show in the picture.


If you want a really successful selfie then maybe you should do what marketers do and post it when most of your friends are online. If you don’t most of them may not see it or think of it as “old news” and not bother to show if they liked it.

Over and over again

Do not get disappointed or post the first selfie you took. You need at least twenty to thirty photos in order to start capturing the real you. That’s what photographers do. Hundreds of clicks until their models are relaxed, happy and into the concept. Play with the camera as much as you can. Even you won’t believe what will come out!

Fix it

Don’t feel bad about editing your selfies as long as you don’t overdo it. Ask a professional or do it yourself by maybe adding a filter, smoothen your skin or darken a bad background.  

However, if you want fuller lipsfalsies or red hair, forget about it.  :)

Now, who's the fairest?  ;)

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