This Is Not Beauty

Tons of things about fashion, hairstyles, makeup and experts tips of any kind but still, you should have that old fashioned thing called Taste. Oh and one more called Common Sense. And Limits. You see, Beauty has a context.

Plurality is always a trap. Women tend nowadays to follow every beauty tip they come across just because it’s popular, easy or seems fun.
All this creativity and DIY projects have helped us do hundreds of things we had no idea how to before but all this comes with a price. You have to find and set your personal limits.Not everything suits you just because it is easy to make, very cheap or you can DIY!

When you see something you have the urge to try, first consider three simple things:

Taste. Your taste is something that you should always test, evolve and experiment with. It is not a static thing although you must have a few basic rules to build upon. If something is way too far from your likes then don’t push yourself.

There are reasons you don’t like it and hundreds of alternatives closer to your taste to experiment with. Remember that sometimes “taste” is another term for safety. It is ok to live on the edge a few times but it is safety that will keep you going for long.

Common Sense. Comfort, price or ease should not be the only things that will determine if you should try a new makeup or a new haircut. Your age, job, the weather and other boring stuff are also major factors for your choices. We all love those gorgeous huge purple false lashes but none of us would wear them at the office. 

There is a reason for that. Do not mock or underestimate common sense if you love beauty. Even if your taste is considered a bit crazy, common sense is subconsciously the foundation for it.  Think about it.

Limits. Fashion and beauty is art. There are no rules and limits. Agreed. Then tell me why you probably never saw a lawyer with green hair? Or any woman during the day with a Westwood gown? Or a doctor at her office with perfect smoky eyes? Exactly. Limits. 

Whether we like it or not, unless it’s Halloween, we can’t do anything we like. Beauty has a context. Which is not necessarily bad. If you could put on a wedding dress every time you felt like it then on your wedding day you wouldn’t feel so special.
That said, all these beauty rules with do’s and don’ts should always be tested by your three superpowers: Taste, Common Sense and Limits.

For example, my Common Sense superpower says that this dictatorship that bans chipped nails should stop. Perfect nails ALL the time are not possible!  ;)

Now, who's the fairest?  ;)

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