The Cheapest And Most Pure Collagen In The Market: Gelatin!

beauty, Diet, Eyes, Face, Hair, Skin, Skincare, wellness,

If the only use you have for gelatin is for cooking and confectionery then let science introduce you to your most precious future daily supplement: gelatin. Just keep on reading this amazing biohack and find out why.

Gelatin is a rather unknown ingredient to most of us who only know it in the form of fruit jelly and in various types of candy.

In some countries, people might also use it in certain local dishes.
But apart that, gelatin is useless and unknown to most of us.

Well, it's time to know that it is a very powerful ingredient, even better than vitamins and is good for you as it improves almost everything.

Your skin, your hair, your nails, even wrinkles or helps with weight loss.

This is because gelatin is pure protein with unique attributes, that you hardly get from your daily diet.

Gelatin is mainly found in the bones and fibrous tissues of animals but you can also take it from plants. The second type, is more expensive and not so rich. 
So, gelatin's main attribute is thickening. It keeps the bones and tissues together and also nourishes them. But since none of us are consuming bones it is very rare to benefit from its great powers.

However, if you decide to include it in your daily diet, gelatin will greatly help you with your skin (healing, acne, wrinkles), your energy, regeneration and revitalization of your body, weight loss and anti-aging. Furthermore, it is a great cosmetic for topic use if you need faster results.

Try the below biohack remedies and you will be amazed by how powerful this underestimated ingredient is!

Gelatin for damaged hair

Bring back the shine and volume of your hair with a really powerful nourishing remedy.

1 tablespoon gelatin (powder)
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup hot water
1 teaspoon apple vinegar
1 teaspoon honey

Add the gelatin to the cold water and let it for 5 minutes to disolve and rise
Then pour it to the hot water and add the vinegar and the honey.
Stir until it becomes a thick mixture just like gel
Before you wash your hair, apply it on the whole length and massage your hair a bit.
Let it for 10 minutes
Wash your hair as you would normally do

One more tip: If you want volume to your hair now, add to your shampoo 1-2 teaspoons gelatin (powder). You won't believe it!

You have to repeat this method before washing your hair 2-3 times a week and then maintain the results by repeating once every 2 weeks.

Gelatin for wrinkles

With this biohack you can make an extremely effective face mask with the cheapest and most pure collagen of the market: gelatin!

1 tablespoon gelatin (powder)
2 tablespoons hot water
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Mix the ingredients and apply a thick layer on your face
Let it for at least 15 minutes
Rinse with warm water and repeat as often as you like. If you wish for an even strongest anti aging mask, add an egg to the mixture.

One more biohack for wrinkles: By eating at least a tablespoon of gelatin every day, it does wonders for your skin.

Gelatin for weight loss

Many athletes today use pure gelatin in order to lose weight. In this method, you don't use it on your skin, you have consume it in specific hours of the day, to help you get rid of extra weight.

To see the best results, you have to eat the last meal of your day 3 hours before going to bed. Just before lying down, you have to eat a tablespoon of gelatin. 

However, since its taste is not that good, instead of just swallowing the powder, you may do the following: fill 1/3 of a cup with cold water, add 1 tablespoon gelatin and let it for 5 minutes. Then pour 1/3 of a cup hot water or any tea you like, stir and drink.

One last biohack: Apart from losing weight, gelatin will also give you energy and will help with your overall health and wellness!

Need more beauty DIY remedies? Try this list!

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