4 Essential Decisions Before You Lose Weight

If you always wanted to lose weight but you either couldn't make it or you gained it back then you have not thought well one -or all four - of the following issues.
Take a look and start all over. This time is for good!

A decision that lasts

This is the first and most important issue of losing weight. Weight loss is not a very tough thing. But 75% of those who make it, they usually take it back.

That’s what you should really think about. It is not enough to just take the decision. Your decision must be permanent.

You must visualize your body after 5, 10, 20 years and see it the way you have always dreamed of. You must also be ok with the time it will take you to lose weight, as long as it is steady and permanent.

Don’t risk your health or harm your body and skin with constant ups and downs or you will soon wish you had stayed with a few more pounds than a dozen new problems to fix!

Diet - A real one

Don’t just say you are on a diet because everybody does. Yes, yes, everything is allowed in a healthy diet and healthy choices are more than enough in order to lose weight. Well, this is not always true.

Losing weight is actually maths. Consuming large quantities of fruit for instance, does not necessarily mean that you will lose weight no matter how healthy it is. 

Add the calories if you are looking for a real diet. If you stick to calories then you will eventually decrease the intake of junk food because it’s too many calories and you will also decrease sugar intake even if it is contained in fruits.

Just think that you will need some results soon or else you will give up. A real diet will give you the results you need to keep going.

Lose your lifestyle’s “weights” too!

No matter how hard you try with your diet or how permanent your decision may be, your lifestyle may pose difficulties to your efforts, your will and your health as well.

If you keep on sitting all day on a chair and first thing you do after work is lying on your couch then you either should follow a diet of only 400 calories or start walking.

Let alone the cellulite and health problems this kind of lifestyle may cause if it hasn’t already.

So, if you really want a new body, you should know that this means a new life too. A definitely better one. Start with little changes and see the big difference.

For example, 5 minutes walking per day for a start will make a huge difference to your body and health.

When alarm bells should ring

A gorgeous body and weight loss in general, is not something you achieve once and then enjoy it forever.

It is a constant battle full of sacrifices and pain, while what’s more painful is how easy you regain weight if you had it for long.

Weight that stays on your body for a long period of time is not only difficult to lose but also harder not to regain. 

That is, because after losing weight, your body instincts will force it to return to it’s previous state; the one your body remained for the longest period of time.

Thus, after losing weight, you should try to stay that way for as long as you can before your results are somehow “permanent” and less painful to keep.

So, whenever the needle on the scale goes up, the alarm bells should ring and lose it at once.

The more you stay at your ideal weight the easier it will be to maintain it!


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Now, who’s the fairest?  ;)

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