Got Spider Or Varicose Veins? Tips To Get Your Beautiful Legs Back Now!

Beauty experts tips and advice on all the available methods, tips and tricks to help, cover or treat your spider and varicose veins!

Spider or Varicose veins are two common problems that not only ruin your leg’s appearance and prevent you from wearing skirts or going to the beach but will also affect your overall health if you don’t know what might be the causes, what not to do, what you can do and all available treatments.

Why Me?

Both conditions are caused by various things among which bad diet, pregnancy, weight gain, heredity, age, certain hormones and birth control pills.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a rare condition and especially not a condition of old aged people because Spider and Varicose veins usually appear from 18 to 35 years of age (mostly in women) and only get worse with time.

Yes, old age worsens most health conditions but this one can get ugly, painful and bad before you age, as well.

So maybe it’s time to take action and get your legs back before they get really ugly. But first, let’s find out more about your condition:

What Are Spider Veins? 

Spider veins (or telangiectasias) are very small thin lines under your skin, usually of blue or red color.  They show up in groups that usually look like a spider web that if not treated can sometimes expand greatly. 

Spider veins are actually dilated and blocked blood vessels near the skin surface that do not allow blood pass through them anymore. Excess blood finds other blood vessels nearby in order to get to the heart which causes those vessels dilate and be blocked too. They are rarely painful but they look bad on our body.

What are Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins are a much heavier problem as your veins get twisted and swollen, which makes them visible because they stick out and have a dark blue or a purple color. Most of the times they can also be itchy, burning and painful. 

When having varicose veins, the blood cannot travel normally or return from the leg upwards due to damaged valves and so  the higher pressure (because of the excess blood) creates the swelling, enlargement and pain.

What you can do for yourself if you have Spider or Varicose veins

A few tips and ideas to cover swollen veins, reduce the symptoms, help your circulatory system and avoid things that worsen the problem.

  • Try Special Makeup. Special camouflage body makeup will do wonders for your legs, especially for Spider veins! It lasts all day long, it comes in all shades of skin tones, it doesn’t come off on your clothes, doesn’t cost as much as most therapies and will completely hide your problem!

    Also,  try self tanners that will darken your skin and make veins a lot less visible!
  • Wear elastic support stockings (or compression stockings). Usually in Varicose veins, wearing properly fitting support hose (buy them from a drugstore or ask your doctor to recommend how tight they should be for your case) can prove a wonderful way to help your blood flow, avoid pain and further expansion of the problem.

  • Add flavonoid-rich foods to your diet. They aid the circulatory system and strengthen capillaries. Flavonoids can be found in many foods such as blackberries, cherries, onions, asparagus, apples, bell peppers  and pears.


  1. Of long hours sitting on your desk. Try to have always your legs elevated in order to help blood flow

  2. Of standing still for long periods of time. This actually may be the reason why you got problems with your veins in the first place. Try to sit as often as you can, especially with your legs elevated and in any case do not stand still. Move as much as you can!

  3. Of big changes in temperature that cause blood vessels constrict and dilate and as a result they can be damaged, blocked or even or even broken

  4. Of crossing your legs when sitting

  5. Of weight gain

What doctors can do if you have Spider or Varicose veins

If your condition is too bad, luckily to cause blood clots or too painful when you walk or stand, then maybe you should ask your doctor for one of the following more drastic treatments:

  • Sclerotherapy. This is the most popular method in which a solution is injected into each affected blood vessel that makes it harden and then shrink until it is absorbed by your body.

  • Laser and light therapy. Strong bursts of laser or pulsed light are send into affected blood vessels in order to heat, shrink, make them fade and eventually disappear them.

  • Surgery. Surgical vein striping or vein lingation are the most effective treatments used mostly in severe cases or when other health problems are caused by it such as bleeding or swelling of your legs. In this case the surgeon will tie off or remove your problem veins.

! Have in mind that the problem never disappears completely and that new Spider or Varicose veins could appear again in the same or other parts of your body.

Do you know one thing that is good with Varicose or Spider veins? Low blood flow decreases hair growth, so you can relax with waxing so often!  :P

Now, who’s the fairest?  ;)

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