Did you run out of deodorant, polish remover, eyeliner or powder? No, you haven’t! Your home has the hack!
If you too happen to forget your makeup products at home or you run out of the most important beauty products just when you need them the most or even when you don’t have the time or the money to replace them, then a few amazing tricks will do the job just as good and in some cases, even better!

Out of face powder?
OK, this is my absolute favorite hack and also, for the last 2 years I haven’t bought any face powder, blusher or contouring products! Run to the kitchen and get the cornstarch.In small amounts it makes a perfect transparent face powder however, you may mix it with cocoa or cinnamon to bring it closer to your face tone.
If you make it too dark, you may also use it as a blusher, a bronzer or the perfect product for contouring in the exact shade or shades you need!
Out of deodorant?
No, you don’t have to run to the closest store and you definitely don’t have to take a shower again if you have to go in just 5 minutes.Go to your kitchen and take some baking soda and a cup. Mix half a teaspoon of soda with a few drops of water and rub it to your armpits. Soda will neutralize any acid that creates that awful smell and you will be perfect for the whole day!
Also, if you happen to run out of deodorant and you are not even at home a baby wipe will keep you fresh and great smelling for an hour or two!

Out of polish remover?
Then you must have some perfume in your bathroom, right? It is the closest you can get to a non- acetone polish remover.Apply some on a cotton ball and your polish will go out in seconds! In case you don’t have a perfume, try alcohol. It will also do the job fine!
Remember to wash your hands afterwards and apply a moisturizer.
Out of eye-liner?
This is really simple. Take the brush from your empty eyeliner container and dip it to your mascara. If it is waterproof then it will be better.Now draw the line as usual. In case you don’t have an empty eyeliner container, any small lip brush will do perfectly!

Out of makeup remover?
You will so love this one! Just go to your kitchen and find any oil you have. Olive oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, literally any kitchen oil will clean your face amazingly and also leave your skin moisturized, soft and glowing!Just take a cotton ball, apply some oil and gently rub your skin. You may rinse it with water but you can also just massage the remaining oil on your skin for an extra film of softness and moisture!
Here are 3 super easy recipes to make your own!
Out of eye-makeup remover?
Especially at nights when you have too heavy makeup on your eyes or a waterproof mascara, running out of eye makeup remover can be devastating.But again, the solution is right in the next room! Find some petroleum jelly, apply it on a cotton ball and gently clean your eyes. Repeat until the cotton ball comes out clean and then rinse with lots of water.
If you don’t have petroleum jelly, just as in makeup remover, any kitchen oil will also do perfectly! Also, you can make your own!
Out of moisturizer?
Your own homemade St. Johns Wort oil is the best natural remedy for skincare by far and will make your skin stunning!
!And for the hack of hacks for extra long and stunning eyelashes in seconds turn your mascara to a fiber mascara!
Now, who is the fairest? ;)
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