Sexy Beauty Secrets For Making Men Crazy!

Make men melt with sexy beauty secrets that you possibly never ever thought would count!

What men find sexy is not necessarily what women think of sexy. If you want to know what they really consider sexy hair, body, skin and makeup then be prepared to forget all you know!

First have in mind:

Sexy or Slutty? 

For most men, “slutty” is only the highest level of “sexy”!  :D So first find out how sexy is sexy for him and then act accordingly!

Eyes Popped out 

The most important thing for men is their eyes. Unless their eyes are pleased, there is little you can do to catch their attention! So whatever you put on, make sure you stand out!

Imagination Vs Reality

What men can’t see they fantasize. So take advantage of this and show only your best parts! They will use their imagination for the rest in the best possible way! ;)

Now, try these:

Your lips should be stunning! 

Men love big red lips but hate the smell and taste of lipsticks. What you should do, is try a lip plumper for fuller lips, a pencil lipstick instead of stick and forget about lip gloss. Now, put on your hottest red lipstick and then put on some more! ;)

Get a velvet skin! 

Men love to touch and feel a very smooth skin but they hate oily, greasy or over scented skin. Exfoliate often with a soft scrub but do not overdo it with oils and body creams afterwards. Better try to put on a very thin coat of body cream scented with your perfume.

Repeat please: I am not on a diet

Men find it extremely sexy when they see a woman enjoy her food and absolutely hate it when women complain about being on a diet.

Actually they hate it even if you mention the word diet. They might like your body but they sure don’t want to know the boring details. So keep trying but also keep it a secret and pretend a huge appetite! :P

Body hair not sexy! 

It might sound cruel but all hair from your neck down takes points from your sexyness according to a guy’s mind. Although hairy women have better sex and better orgasms, their hair is not welcome at the procedure. :D

So, you either start waxing everywhere every 3 to 4 weeks or you try a laser treatment and get rid of all body hair once and for all.

Your scent signature! 

Men love it when they can recognise you by a soft scent but they hate it when you bombard their nostrils with heavy or multiple scents from body creams, shampoos, oils and perfumes. 

Learn all experts tips to help you choose the right fragrance for your signature scent that suits you and will drive him crazy! Your signature scent should be recognizable. It should be your second skin and become your body essence.

Your hair should be touchable! 

Men love it when they can touch and play with your hair but hate it when it is sticky or so hairsprayed that they can’t even touch it.

Play as much as you like with your hair color but let complicated hairstyles for weddings and parties. Try the simplest hairstyle for sexy. Just shampoo and use the blow dryer for volume. Trust me, it will do.  :)

Nail him down! 

Men adore nails. Actually, the longer the sexier! And they love all kinds of manicures. Do not hesitate to try any kind of manicure you wish as long as you have one because they hate it when your nails look neglected.

Join the Mani Mania and you will soon realise how sexy you will feel too!

Now, who's the fairest?  ;)

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