The Best Beauty Tips From Our Moms That Work Amazingly!

They are simple, easy, money saving and most of all, our mothers beauty tips work amazingly! Give them a try and you will love them too!


Never shape your eyebrows very thin when you are a teenager. Most of them will not grow back!


Use a body lotion to shave instead of shaving cream. You will never ever experience pain, irritated or red skin after shaving again!


Use a nappy rash cream on them. It works miracles and your skin is extra moisturized!


Cut your hair short and it will instantly change your life! Killer hair every day, more free time, money saving on hair products and a sophisticated look! [But be sure first to find the one that suits you best]


If you don’t have time for a pedicure but your feet are hard and dry then apply a good layer of Nivea mixed with olive oil on your feet and cover them with pair of socks.

Leave overnight and in the morning you will have the softest feet ever! The same works great with your hands too. Put your gloves on and enjoy your beauty sleep!


If you don’t have time to shampoo then sprinkle baby powder over the top of your head, to the roots of your hair that tend to be oily. Wait 10 minutes and then brush. Your hair is clean and fresh!


You have to find a signature scent and never change it. It gives identity to your beauty and men will never forget you.


Follow any diet you like but keep this as a rule of thumb: never ever eat after 8p.m. and you will always have a great body and health!


Now, who's the fairest?  ;)

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