Are You Scared Of Makeup? Never Used It?
For those of you who gave up reluctant to follow all those confusing new makeup products not knowing where to begin from, this Guide will show you how easy it really is!
Start from the basics and stick to that... because that’s all there is. The rest is marketing. You can master makeup today!
Makeup is supposed to be fun, quick and easy.

Do you think it’s difficult even to learn all these products? I don’t blame you, I only blame marketing.
You shouldn’t miss the huge fun and the opportunity to improve your face to make your skin look fresher and younger, your eyes bigger or your lips fuller just because it looks difficult. It’s not.
Make up is not science. Make up is an art. More like street art. You don’t need fancy brushes and colors. You just need the right message.
If you feel confused and frustrated by this huge variety of products getting bigger everyday, by all those difficult names, types of cosmetics and instructions, maybe you should just learn the basics because that’s all you need to know.
No matter how many new products pop out everyday, you will always know what category they belong to and what is their purpose of use.

The magic number is 8
All you need to know about makeup is just the 8 basic product categories, which type better suits your skin and how to apply. That’s all. For example, whether your foundation is stick, cream, mousse or powder, relax. It is all foundation. It’s job is to make your skin look smoother and fresher.Choose once and for life… or not!
This Guide will help you choose your type of skin, products and colors while this choice can be for life … or not. It is totally up to you.Since you take the first step and possess all the essential knowledge, then you can experiment as much as you like.
In fact experimenting has lots of fun but before that, you have to know what products you will need.
Marketing needs new products - You only need just 8!
Marketing will insist that you need hundreds of products just because that is simply the way it works. For example, do you really think you need 5 different types of foundation?That’s a big waste of money and apart that, there is absolutely no need for a second foundation product for that matter. Especially, if you are under 30. :)
The market has to create needs and “new” products but you don’t have to buy it. It’s as simple as that.
You just have to be able to distinguish the type of each product and to know what it does or does not; more importantly, what it can and cannot do.
In this Guide you will learn:
- Your skin type and the tools you will need
- How to distinguish and categorize all existing makeup products
- Which type of product suits you best
- The order to apply each makeup product on your face
- How to prepare your skin and how to remove your makeup
Are you ready for your makeover?
Your Skin Type and Skin Preparations
The Essential Makeup Tools
Product 1: Foundation - Learn how to use it!
Product 2: Concealer- Learn how to use it!
Product 3: Powder- Learn how to use it!
Product 4: Blusher- Learn how to use it!
Product 5: Eye Shadow- Learn how to use it!

Product 6: Eye Liner- Learn how to use it!
Product 7: Mascara- Learn how to use it!
Product 8: Lipstick- Learn how to use it!
Makeup Removers - DIY your own!
Expert Tips On Healthy Makeup Application
Next: Find Out Your Type Of Skin And Prepare It Properly for MAKEUP
Now, who’s the fairest? ;)
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